Elissa Rose

Spiritual Counselor, Psychic Medium & Clairvoyant

Theosophy Is Divine Knowledge

WHEN asked if Theosophy was just a new-fangled religion, Helena Blavatsky replied, “It is not. Theosophy is Divine Knowledge or Science.”

She also referred to it as “Divine Wisdom,” explaining that Theosophy forms the

“…substratum and basis of all the world-religions and philosophies, taught and practised since man became a thinking being. In its practical bearing, Theosophy is purely divine ethics.”

“Theosophy” is the name given to the initial society and movement founded by Madame Blavatsky, Henry Steel Olcott, William Quan Judge, and others in New York City in 1875.

Since that time, the movement has spread worldwide and branched off into different groups and organizations.  The uniting force is Blavatsky herself and her works, most notably The Secret Doctrine, and of course her Teachers the Mahatmas, or Masters.

Theosophy ignited, and continues to ignite, new ways of thinking so that humanity and all life around us and with us could fulfill its God-given potential for unity, harmony, and peace.

“There is No Religion Higher than Truth.” – HPB